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Been to overseas and drove there, then you’ll know; the difference between these driver’s attitude on the road.


I drove yesterday from Simpang Renggam, Johor to my house. No, actually both pergi balik I experienced this. Fine, I’ll admit. I am not that skilled driver who has 5-10 years experience of driving but still, I do know all the rules and regulations to drive in Malaysia. I took the computer exam as well as the JPJ test which means I am a qualified driver. Mind me to remind you that this was not written because of the Myvi incidents. This is my personal experience.


First! Ya Allah, Mister, Miss, Ma’am, Uncle and Auntie, mana pergi your signals? Signal kereta tu was invented for you to use whenever you want to change your lane or even when you wanted to belok ke kiri atau ke kanan. Tak adalah susah mana pun nak guna signal tu, guna hujung jari tangan kanan (in Malaysia) and hujung jari tangan kiri (in United States). Was it really that hard? When you used it, do you know that it really helps a lot to the other drivers near you, for them to get ready since you wanted to change your lanes?

Hi Pemandu Malaysia!


Penduduk Malaysia sangat berbudi bahasa dan sopan santun. This is one of the things that we are really proud of for being Malaysian citizens. Tapi.. bila dekat jalanraya, mana pergi kesantunan tu? I am not talking only about Malaysian Malays, no!  I was talking about all races that existed in Malaysia. I don’t mind if you want to drive over the speed limit since that was not my concern here.  Tapi sinilah I’ll give you some advice, kalau hang kena saman, tak ke sia-sia beberapa ratus tu? And I am not focusing only on men driver; the same thing applies for women drivers.


Dekat kiri jalan berapa kali entah papan iklan was showed clearly and really big enough for you to see, “Awasi jarak anda” but you ignored it, dear Malaysian Drivers in Malaysia. Ya Allah, jarak tu bukan focusing only when you are stopping at the traffic light, but it was for you to implement it whenever you are on the road. We never know what will happen kan? So, the jarak will help you to be prepared if there’s anything unexpected happened. I was just changed my lane to the lane yang paling kanan untuk memotong kereta di hadapan, but you were right behind me, very close to my car. Like literally close macam chewing gum that people usually sticks it under the table or chairs. Ya Allah, as-sabr. Boleh? I can literally see your car through my car’s rear mirror. I know you are in a ‘hurry’. Just sabar sikit boleh, let me potong kereta depan ni dulu then I’ll give you the way. *sigh* Follow rapat as if kereta kita ni macam kereta api yang kabin ke kabin tu connected to each other.  Bahaya tahu?


Basically, this attitude on the road thing is one of the things that I like it most when I’m in Ames. Rasa selamat sikit as compared to Negara sendiri. What I really do hope is that, this attitude boleh diubah, tak banyak pun sikit jadilah. Like what one wise person said, “Instead of keeping ‘Ingatlah orang yang tersayang’ slogan in our mind when we drive, baik ingat ‘Ingatlah orang lain punya orang yang tersayang’.”

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